02 November 2020: Almaty Akimat Increases Number of Open Data Publications

In October 2020 Almaty city akimat published eight new sets of open data: «Information on gross regional product», «Information on kindergartens», «Information on schools», «Voters of Almaty city», «Information on Almaty city polling stations», «Information on voters’ migration within Almaty city», «Share of upgraded networks from the total length of heat and power supply», «Information on road repairs»

To refresh, in May 2020 Almaty akimat also initiated two sets of open data as «Percentage of school coverage with broadband Internet access in Almaty city» and «List of telecom operators providing broadband Internet access in Almaty city». Up-to-date, a total number of open data sets has reached 122 sets. Proportion of published open data sets versus approved for publishing makes 100%.  

The list of open data sets approved for publishing by the resolution of Almaty city akimat № 4/577 dated 11.10.2019 can be accessed here.